By Suresh Mistry


Improving mood music

Firstly, please allow us a little space to blow our own trumpet. As regular readers will know, we have been very actively working to improve the company through 2020, with a number of achievements already discussed in these notes. If anyone is not up to speed, please let us know.
Markets-wise, the last 12 months have been highly volatile, you may have noticed yourself. Despite this, we are delighted that the process enhancements that we have implemented in 2020, notably in the area of portfolio construction, have yielded excellent results in terms of better and more consistent performance across our Funds. We performed well with markedly lower volatility than the past combined with a still high active-share and demonstrable alpha generation through stock selection. We still look different and diversified compared to our peers, we are stringent on ESG-matter where others may not be. Perhaps now we are giving them cause to review their own processes. Well we can dream.
All our Funds have performed very well versus our peers, with Alquity India and Asia towards the top of their peer groups over recent periods. The Alquity Asian Fund has outperformed in 11 of the last 14 months. The Indian fund is top percentile over the period. Future World (EM equities) has risen phoenix-like from our reboot in August 2020. Overall, our assets under management have also begun to grow once more, with the return of inflows into our product range. We are pleased with our progress but know we have much to do. Many thanks to those that have supported us. Trumpet blowing over.

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